In solidarity with Palestine

بناء على التعليمات الواردة من وزارة التربية والتعليم، والتوجيهات الرئاسية بشأن التضامن مع القضية الفلسطينية، أعلنت إدارة مدرسة برينستون الدولية الحداد لمدة ثلاثة أيام مع تنكيس العلم في ساحة المدرسة.لقد وقف جميع الطلاب والمدرسين والعاملين بالمدرسة صمتًا لمدة دقيقة حدادًا على أرواح شهداء فلسطين.كذلك تم أداء صلاة الغائب على أرواح الشهداء والدعاء لأهل فلسطين.اللهم آمن روعاتهم واستر عوراتهم اللهم نجهم من الجوع والجزع ومن الخوف والفزع واجزهم عن مشقة الحياة الفانية بما صبروا جنة وحريرا .. اللهم آمين.#Gaza#GazaGenocide #PalestinianGenocide #Gaza #GazaUnderAttack #مستشفى_المعمداني#من_غزة_هنا_القاهرة#In_solidarity_with_Palestine#تضامناً_مع_فلسطين#مصر_تفرض_إرادتها #طوفان_الأقصى#فلسطين #غزة#تحيا_مصر #مصر #Egypt #Palestine #MiddleEast #PIShttps://www.princetoninternationalschool.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/GPm_hRf4DueLT1gCANzezco2OYJ-bmdjAAAF.mp4

6 octobre Journée de la dignité

EG Celebrating the pride of our nation! Princeton International School students come together to commemorate the victory of the 6th of October. A day of unity, strength, and national pride. EG https://www.princetoninternationalschool.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/GHNLFBc_NAb2IyIDAMhUjLj7WdRsbmdjAAAF.mp4

Célébration de l'anniversaire du prophète Mahomet

Early learners unite to celebrate Egyptian culture and tradition.At the PIS, we gather to pay homage to and wholeheartedly appreciate the opulent tapestry of Egyptian culture and traditions. These elements are instrumental in shaping shared identities. Join us, as we commemorate Mouled Al-Nabi, is a profoundly significant cultural and religious celebration deeply rooted in Egyptian heritage and context. Together, we celebrate the beauty of our cultural heritage.”Princeton International School celebrated the Prophet’s birthday. The students presented the morning boroadcast about the Prophet, his morals, and the importance of following his teachings.يا مولدًا قد حوى عزًا وإقبالًابطلعته يبلغ المشتاق آمالًانهنئكم بالذكرى العطرة لمولد النبي المجتبى والحبيب المصطفى. ندعوا الله أن يحشرنا في زمرته ويوردنا حوضه ويرزقنا شفاعته ان شاء الله تعالىhttps://www.princetoninternationalschool.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Comp-1_1.mp4https://www.princetoninternationalschool.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/11.mp4https://www.princetoninternationalschool.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/DSC_2560.mp4

Journée de financement du PEI

Snapshots of our MYP Studnets on their first day back to school at Princeton international school.The Studnets enjoyed a lot of team building activities that helped them mingle with each other.Followed by in class orientation for school’s policies and regulation and ended by setting goals for the new academic year.We are excited to witness what our Studnets will achieve in the new academic year.https://www.princetoninternationalschool.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/WhatsApp-Video-2023-09-24-at-12.44.25.mp4

Le premier jour d’école 2023/2024

The first day of school is a complex mix of emotions for the parents. It brings with it the benefits of routine, growth, and opportunities for self-care, but it can also be an emotional day, marked by the passage of time and parental concerns. Ultimately, this day signifies the ongoing journey of parenting and the ever-evolving nature of a child’s life. https://www.princetoninternationalschool.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/eyp-second-final.mp4https://www.princetoninternationalschool.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/final_1.mp4

Journée de financement du PP

Welcoming PYP Students to Princeton International School!What an incredible day it has been as we warmly embraced our dear students to their first day at our amazing school! From exciting games and activities to laughter and new friendships, it was a day filled with joy and endless fun! To make this milestone even more special, we distributed heartfelt gifts to each student, symbolizing the beginning of their incredible journey with us.  We hope these tokens serve as a reminder that they are now part of our close-knit community, where they will be supported, encouraged, and cherished every step of the way. https://www.princetoninternationalschool.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/WhatsApp-Video-2023-09-24-at-13.43.52.mp4

CAS Event

An unforgettable day filled with sharing and joy alongside the children from the orphanage!We take pride in our DP students who orchestrated an extraordinary CAS event on Thursday, September 14th. They warmly embraced the children from the orphanage for a day brimming with laughter and games, but there’s more to the story! Driven by the belief that “Every child has the RIGHT to PLAY,” our students collaborated with Park-Egypt (https://www.facebook.com/parkegypt/) to organize this CAS project. They fundraised and procured various games and gifts for the kids, hosting a day of fun and presenting them with these thoughtful gifts.This endeavor is in line with our school’s commitment to instilling the significance of community service. We firmly hold that every action counts and our community flourishes when we unite to aid those in need. A heartfelt congratulations to our students for crafting enduring memories and demonstrating how selfless service can bring joy and hope. We aspire for this day to forever hold a special place in the hearts of both the orphanage children and our students.  Une journée mémorable de partage et d’amusement avec les enfants de l’orphelinat ! Nous sommes fiers de nos élèves du programme du diplôme qui ont organisé une activité incroyable aujourd’hui. Ils ont accueilli chaleureusement les enfants de l’orphelinat pour une journée de jeux de football et de basketball, mais ce n’est pas tout ! Dans le cadre de leur projet CAS (Créativité, Action, Service), nos élèves ont préparé une véritable fête pour nos invités spéciaux. Ils ont installé une fabuleuse station de popcorn pour que les enfants puissent se régaler en regardant les matchs. De plus, une délicieuse salade de fruits fraîche a été préparée avec amour, accompagnée de jus rafraîchissants pour que tout le monde puisse se désaltérer après les activités sportives. https://www.princetoninternationalschool.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/cherity-en.mp4https://www.princetoninternationalschool.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/ALL_SCENE1.mp4